
Hope to see you at the Upcoming Deaf & Hard of Hearing Night with the WooSox on April 29th!
See flyer below for ticket information!

You're invited to DEAF, Inc.'s 31st Annual Virtual CommUNITY Dinner
An exciting event happening on Tuesday, November 9, 2021 from 6pm-8pm.

Celebration of CommUNITY, Fantastic entertainment, Awards, and Community connection will mark the 31st Annual Virtual CommUNITY Dinner: “Let’s Reconnect” hosted by DEAF, Inc. A traditional fall event with a virtual twist.

Join our Master of Ceremonies: Chi Kwong-Sito and meet DEAF, Inc.’s New Executive Director - Darian Burwell Gambrell.
Chi will lead us through an exciting line up with Entertainer Linsay Darnall Jr. -Presenter/Actor/Consultant and Entertainer Jeff Greer -Deaf Interpreter/ASL Storyteller and the Premiere of DEAF, Inc. Food Network

The event is FREE to all.
Deaf, DeafBlind, Hard of Hearing, Late Deafened and Hearing, Mass Residents/non-residents, service providers, family, friends, CommUNITY - ALL ARE WELCOME
Event in ASL, CART (real-time captioning), English (voice) will be provided for all.
Any other accommodation or questions, including DeafBlind or close vision interpreters, contact us ASAP.
Contact: Front Desk 617-505-4823 (VP)

Thank you to our sponsors! Sorenson, Captel/Ultratec, Diglo, Kramer Wealth Management, and Massachusetts Commission for the Blind.

DEAF, Inc. CommUNITY Dinner Committee

Museum of Fine Arts Boston

The MFA is in the process of looking for someone to take over the process of running the tours for ALDA Boston.  They are still in the process of looking for someone new to lead these tours. Stay Tuned!



ALDAcon is ON!
The ALDA Board of Directors have decided to move forward with plans for the in-person event that is scheduled for October 6 - 10, 2021 in Niagara Falls, NY. We can't wait to see you there!
ALDA will continue to monitor any restrictions related to COVID-19. Please make sure to check our event page at
or the event website at for updates and to register.


Need help to attend ALDAcon 2021?
Scholarships are available!!!           

ALDAcon is the annual convention of the Association of Late-Deafened Adults (ALDA). It provides a stress-free communications environment for people with hearing loss, complete with informative workshops, awesome guest speakers, educational exhibits, and endless opportunities for social interaction with others with hearing loss. All workshops and presentations are presented with both CART and ASL interpretation.  Everyone is welcome, be they deaf, hard of hearing, or hearing.

The ALDAcon Hotel is 
Sheraton Niagara Falls, New York.
(Communicate with the ALDAcon Scholarship team for reservations)

If you need financial help in order to attend ALDAcon 2021 you may be eligible to receive an ALDAcon scholarship. ALDAcon scholarships can provide up to full registration and hotel costs. The requirements to apply are:

·         You are a current paid-up member of ALDA or are willing to become one

·         You are deaf or hard of hearing

·         You have genuine need of financial support to attend ALDAcon 2021

·         You plan to attend all 5 days and commit to participating in daily workshops and other conference activities.

·         You have not previously been awarded two scholarships to ALDAcon. 

If you answered "yes" to these questions, then you may be eligible to apply for a scholarship to attend ALDAcon 2021. CLICK HERE for complete information concerning scholarship requirements and the scholarship application process.  
Scholarship Applications must be received by June 30,2021.
Priority will be given to first time attendees and new members.

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